Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Finlay Alley - art

Here's a new challenge that I've set myself. On top of getting to all the Laneway Commissions I am now going to see if I can also document all the registered Street Art areas in the Melbourne CBD.

Each area has been given a "STA" code so I'll tag all the posts with STA. First up are the images above, this is Finlay Alley, STA005. Some great pieces are up and down this area, the nice people that manage this area have also installed motion sensor lighting to give you a chance to view the art at any time of the day or night.

If you want to know more about the Street Art permits you can go here, but be prepared for some reading! I haven't bothered to read through it all because there's about a million different forms on the page.


> Locate this

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